Working with an ERC20 token contract

The guide will introduce you to working with an ERC20 token contract via the EthVigil API endpoints.

These steps are also packaged into a CLI tool designed in Python for you to play around with a pre-supplied ERC20 contract. Visit the repo to clone and get hacking away.

Alternately, you can keep a note of

  • the private key that identifies your user account uniquely on EthVigil
  • the API key uniquely alloted to your user account that allows you to make authenticated HTTP requests to the REST API endpoints generated for your smart contract

...and follow along the code examples as standalone scripts


It is absolutely critical that you would have gone through at least one of our onboarding guides that will teach you the way EthVigil handles user accounts, signing up, logging in, deploying contracts etc.

If you haven't, go check them out.

Before we begin

A note about contract ownership

This contract follows the standard implementations as found in the OpenZeppelin github repo, except for one little detail: we have removed the 'minter role' from the contract access control

Instead of

contract ERC20Mintable is ERC20, MinterRole {

we have

contract ERC20Mintable is ERC20 {

in the implementation of the final inherited token contract.

This is done for a couple of specific reasons:

  • EthVigil platform has its own design patterns for dealing with the Ethereum account address that should sign all transactions for a specific user. We will soon have a detailed doc dedicated to this specific topic of identity and key management.

  • Now that there is no restriction based on ownership and roles, you can test out calls to and event logs on the same contract instance through

    • our APIs
    • via your own web3 code
    • Remix IDE

A note about msg.sender

  • In standard mode on our alpha/beta platforms, all REST API calls to EthVigil APIs are converted to native Ethereum transactions that are signed by a fixed address.

  • Custom signers and proxying features will be introduced in a separate doc.

  • For the Görli testnet, this address happens to be 0x3dc7d43d5f180661970387a4f89c7e715b567512. Here's a link to the transaction from the example mint() section. so you can verify that the above is indeed the address which signs transactions.

  • For example, while calling the approve() method through our APIs, the msg.sender as seen on the contract will be the above address. EthVigil API signer

Deploy the ERC20 contract

You can find the Solidity source code here.

You can deploy the contract from the web UI or follow the code examples below.

from eth_account.messages import defunct_hash_message
from eth_account.account import Account
import requests
import json
def main():
msg = "Trying to deploy"
message_hash = defunct_hash_message(text=msg)
private_key = "0xprivatekeyhexstring"
constructor_inputs = ['My Token', 'SYMBOL', 18]
sig_msg = Account.signHash(message_hash, private_key)
with open('./ERC20Mintable.sol', 'r') as f:
contract_code =
deploy_params = {
'msg': msg,
'sig': sig_msg.signature.hex(),
'name': 'ERC20Mintable',
'inputs': constructor_inputs,
'code': contract_code
print('Deploying with constructor arguments: ')
# API call to deploy
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
api_endpoint = ""
r = + '/deploy', json=deploy_params, headers=headers)
rj = r.json()
print('Deployed contract results')
if __name__ == '__main__':

Equivalent ERC20 CLI tool command

python deploy

Setup a webhook integration

We will set this up before we proceed any further with sending transactions to the ERC20 contract. Most of the transactions will generate multiple events and it would be nice to see a live update of the events being emitted on the Görli testnet.

Did you know the EthVigil Beta instance runs on the Görli testnet?

Launch the bundled webhook listener

This will launch a server locally on the port 5554. In the next section, we are going to open up a tunnel to it so that it is accessible remotely to deliver event data payloads.


python webhook listener

Launch ngrok

ngrok is a free service to expose your local web server and quickly test out webhook integrations. Click on the link above to download and setup the tool if you don't have it already.

Then open a tunnel to port 5554, where the local webhook listner is running.

./ngrok http 5554

You will see a screen like the following: ngrok screen

Copy the HTTPS forwarding link, in this case.

Register ngrok endpoint as webhook

Now we register the ngrok link from above as a webhook endpoint. This returns us a ID for this endpoint against which event data and other integrations can be configured.

from eth_account.messages import defunct_hash_message
from eth_account.account import Account
import requests
def main():
contract = "0xcontractAddress"
api_key = '1122-122-23443-1133'
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-API-KEY': api_key}
private_key = "0xprivatekeyhexstring"
api_endpoint = ""
msg = 'dummystring'
message_hash = defunct_hash_message(text=msg)
sig_msg = Account.signHash(message_hash, private_key)
method_args = {
"msg": msg,
"sig": sig_msg.signature.hex(),
"key": api_key,
"type": "web",
"contract": contract,
"web": ""
r ='{api_endpoint}/hooks/add', json=method_args, headers=headers)
if r.status_code ==
r = r.json()
if not r['success']:
print('Failed to register webhook with Ethvigil API...')
hook_id = r["data"]["id"]
print('Succeeded in registering webhook with Ethvigil API...')
print(f'EthVigil Hook ID: {hook_id}')
print('Failed to register webhook with Ethvigil API...')
if __name__ == '__main__':

Equivalent ERC20 CLI tool command

python registerhook
Succeeded in registering webhook with Ethvigil API...
EthVigil Hook ID: 10

Setup the endpoint to receive event data

We are now going to ask the EthVigil platform to send us the data associated with events Transfer and Approval whenever they are emitted.

from eth_account.messages import defunct_hash_message
from eth_account.account import Account
import requests
def main():
contract = "0xcontractAddress"
api_key = '1122-122-23443-1133'
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-API-KEY': api_key}
private_key = "0xprivatekeyhexstring"
api_endpoint = ""
events_to_be_registered_on = ['Approval', 'Transfer']
hook_id = 12 # hook ID as registered on EthVigil
msg = 'dummystring'
message_hash = defunct_hash_message(text=msg)
sig_msg = Account.signHash(message_hash, private_key)
method_args = {
"msg": msg,
"sig": sig_msg.signature.hex(),
"key": api_key,
"type": "web",
"contract": contract,
"id": hook_id,
"events": events_to_be_registered_on
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
print(f'Registering | hook ID: {hook_id} | events: {events_to_be_registered_on} | contract: {contract}')
r ='{api_endpoint}/hooks/updateEvents', json=method_args,
if r.status_code ==
r = r.json()
if r['success']:
print('Succeeded in adding hook')
print('Failed to add hook')
print('Failed to add hook')
if __name__ == '__main__':

Equivalent ERC20 CLI tool command

python addhooktoevent 10 Transfer,Approval
Registering | hook ID: 10 | events: ['Transfer', 'Approval'] | contract: 0x60d26696a483e238b536eda1650b736bbb58b554
Succeeded in adding hook

Working with the ERC20 Interface

interface ERC20 {
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256);
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);

We are going to work with the methods as specified by the interface.


If you check the total supply of tokens of the contract right after deployment, you will find it to be 0.

import requests
def main():
contract_address = "0xcontractAddress"
api_key = '1122-122-23443-1133'
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-API-KEY': api_key}
rest_api_endpoint = ''
method_api_endpoint = f'{rest_api_endpoint}/contract/{contract_address}/totalSupply'
r = requests.get(url=method_api_endpoint, headers=headers)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Equivalent ERC20 CLI tool command

python totalsupply
{"success": true, "data": [{"uint256": 0}]}

This is a good starting point. Let us mint a bunch of tokens and 'airdrop' to an address. This also increases the total supply of tokens.

import requests
def main():
contract_address = "0xcontractAddress"
api_key = '1122-122-23443-1133'
rest_api_endpoint = ''
method_args = {'account': '0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df', 'amount': 10000}
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-API-KEY': api_key}
method_api_endpoint = f'{rest_api_endpoint}/contract/{contract_address}/mint'
print('Calling mint()\n........')
print(f'Contract: {contract_address}')
print(f'Method arguments:\n===============\n{method_args}')
r =, json=method_args, headers=headers)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Equivalent ERC20 CLI tool command

python mint 0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df 10000
Calling mint()
Contract: 0x60d26696a483e238b536eda1650b736bbb58b554
Method arguments:
{'account': '0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df', 'amount': '10000'}
{"success": true, "data": [{"txHash": "0x636bd7f199d011b746dd893e1e021ce8a13e053642c0bc312847ef61b8b5d060"}]}

Remember the webhook setup we did in the earlier section? It should deliver an update on an emitted event, similar to this

Event data JSON payload

You can refer to the previous section on checking the total supply to verify the effects of the minting process.


Check the tokens allotted to any Ethereum address on this contract instance. Corresponds to the method function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256); specified in the standard ERC20 interface.

import requests
def main():
contract_address = "0xcontractAddress"
api_key = '1122-122-23443-1133'
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-API-KEY': api_key}
rest_api_endpoint = ''
account= '0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df'
method_api_endpoint = f'{rest_api_endpoint}/contract/{contract_address}/balanceOf/{account}'
r = requests.get(url=method_api_endpoint, headers=headers)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Equivalent ERC20 CLI tool command

python balanceof 0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df
{"success": true, "data": [{"uint256": 30000}]}


The ERC20 standard allows a spender account to spend an allowed number of tokens on behalf of msg.sender.

approve(address spender, uint256 value) is the relevant method where this feature is implemented.

In the smart contract included in this example, this approves spender to spend value tokens at most on behalf of the account address of msg.sender i.e. the account that calls approve() See important notes below for more knowledge.

Refer to the section on msg.sender to get reacquainted with the identity of msg.sender when calling EthVigil APIs in standard mode.

The following example approves an account 0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df to transfer at most 1000 tokens on behalf of 0x3dc7d43d5f180661970387a4f89c7e715b567512.

import requests
def main():
contract_address = "0xcontractAddress"
api_key = '1122-122-23443-1133'
rest_api_endpoint = ''
method_args = {'spender': '0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df', 'value': 1000}
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-API-KEY': api_key}
method_api_endpoint = f'{rest_api_endpoint}/contract/{contract_address}/approve'
print('Calling approve()\n........')
print(f'Contract: {contract_address}')
print(f'Method arguments:\n===============\n{method_args}')
r =, json=method_args, headers=headers)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Equivalent ERC20 CLI tool command

python approve 0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df 1000
Calling approve()
Contract: 0x60d26696a483e238b536eda1650b736bbb58b554
Method arguments:
{'spender': '0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df', 'value': '1000'}
{"success": true, "data": [{"txHash": "0xbecda64d5db766b5bd3c082c5a810fa2998c7d38a7f04871688d658375f19d8d"}]}

The webhook listener should have received a JSON payload corresponding to the Approval event being emitted. Approval event JSON payload

From a security standpoint, the 'approve' feature carries serious vulnerabilties. We encourage you to research on the same.

Check allowance

The ERC20 contract interface specifies a method function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); This makes it easy for us to check on a dApp whether we should proceed with a transfer if it exceeds the configured allowance.

We will achieve the same via EthVigil API.

Observe that the REST endpoint exposed via EthVigil for this specific method is /<contractaddress>/allowance/{owner}/{spender} . We are accessing the information as if it were a resource of allowance mappings between owners and spenders.

import requests
def main():
contract_address = "0xcontractAddress"
api_key = '1122-122-23443-1133'
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-API-KEY': api_key}
rest_api_endpoint = ''
owner = '0x3dc7d43d5f180661970387a4f89c7e715b567512'
spender = '0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df'
method_api_endpoint = f'{rest_api_endpoint}/contract/{contract_address}/allowance/{owner}/{spender}'
r = requests.get(url=method_api_endpoint, headers=headers)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Equivalent ERC20 CLI tool command

python allowance 0x3dc7d43d5f180661970387a4f89c7e715b567512 0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df
{"success": true, "data": [{"uint256": 1000}]}

Increase allowance

The method corresponding to this is function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public returns (bool)

This is functionally similar to approve() but mitigates certain security vulnerabilities exposed by it.

import requests
def main():
contract_address = "0xcontractAddress"
api_key = '1122-122-23443-1133'
rest_api_endpoint = ''
method_args = {'spender': '0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df', 'addedValue': 1000}
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-API-KEY': api_key}
method_api_endpoint = f'{rest_api_endpoint}/contract/{contract_address}/increaseAllowance'
print('Calling increaseAllowance()\n........')
print(f'Contract: {contract_address}')
print(f'Method arguments:\n===============\n{method_args}')
r =, json=method_args, headers=headers)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Equivalent ERC20 CLI tool command

python increaseallowance 0x774246187e1e2205c5920898eede0945016080df 2000
Calling increaseAllowance()
Contract: 0x60d26696a483e238b536eda1650b736bbb58b554
Method arguments:
{'spender': '0x774246187e1e2205c5920898eede0945016080df', 'addedValue': '2000'}
{"success": true, "data": [{"txHash": "0xbb0c1369aaf53e7e3af3662fcb587d8b3afd685e0b2f9b810a4071e1eb6f414f"}]}

You will see the updated allowance data being delivered to the webhook listener via EthVigil integrations increase allowance event data webhook

========New event received========
---JSON Payload delivered-----
"txHash": "0xbb0c1369aaf53e7e3af3662fcb587d8b3afd685e0b2f9b810a4071e1eb6f414f",
"logIndex": 0,
"blockNumber": 1088457,
"transactionIndex": 0,
"contract": "0x60d26696a483e238b536eda1650b736bbb58b554",
"event_name": "Approval",
"event_data": {
"value": 2500,
"owner": "0x3dc7d43d5f180661970387a4f89c7e715b567512",
"spender": "0x774246187e1e2205c5920898eede0945016080df"
"ethvigil_event_id": 38,
"ctime": 1565345163

Decrease allowance

import requests
def main():
contract_address = "0xcontractAddress"
api_key = '1122-122-23443-1133'
rest_api_endpoint = ''
method_args = {'spender': '0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df', 'subtractedValue': 100}
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-API-KEY': api_key}
method_api_endpoint = f'{rest_api_endpoint}/contract/{contract_address}/decreaseAllowance'
print('Calling decreaseAllowance()\n........')
print(f'Contract: {contract_address}')
print(f'Method arguments:\n===============\n{method_args}')
r =, json=method_args, headers=headers)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Equivalent ERC20 CLI tool command

python decreaseallowance 0x774246187e1e2205c5920898eede0945016080df 200
Calling decreaseAllowance()
Contract: 0x60d26696a483e238b536eda1650b736bbb58b554
Method arguments:
{'spender': '0x774246187e1e2205c5920898eede0945016080df', 'subtractedValue': '200'}
{"success": true, "data": [{"txHash": "0xe75efe2ec4266ada07fc600307afc7ccb26cf3e7f3fd287466466509b16e5f9d"}]}

You will see the updated allowance data being delivered to the webhook listener via EthVigil integrations decrease allowance event data webhook

Working with Metamask/web3 (a dApp experience)

  • Metamask/ web3.js happen to be quite popular approaches among beginners and experienced Ethereum developers alike to interact with smart contracts and prototype iteratively.

  • On testnets, this is a great way to test out how your smart contracts would behave for users with different identities because it costs nothing to switch account addresses and send out a bunch of transactions from them.

  • Keeping this in mind, the following is an example that is a follow up to the section on Approval

  • This example makes it easier since we have removed ownership roles and access control on the contract, so that anyone can play around with it.

Transfer tokens on behalf

  • Refer the sections for a refresher if you feel lost.

  • We assume this scenario: 0x774246187E1E2205C5920898eEde0945016080Df is a user sitting in a distant land who

    • is authorized to transfer at most 1000 tokens on your behalf.
    • not familiar with REST APIs
    • does not want to use EthVigil APIs out of trust issues
    • is familiar with Metamask and can load contracts on the Remix IDE to call methods on them

ERC20 interaction

0x3dc7d43d5f180661970387a4f89c7e715b567512 is your identity by default when interacting with smart contracts via EthVigil APIs in beginner-friendly mode

Ensure the account 0x3dc7d43d5f180661970387a4f89c7e715b567512 - is allocated enough tokens for a transferFrom call to be valid. Refer to the mint() section to allocate certain number of tokens to this address. For example, python mint 0x3dc7d43d5f180661970387a4f89c7e715b567512 10000

How does he transfer 500 tokens on behalf of 0x3dc7d43d5f180661970387a4f89c7e715b567512 to another account, for example, 0x902Abade63A5CB1b503Fe389aEA5906D18DAAF2b?

  1. He switches to the Goerli network

metamask goerli

  1. He loads the contract at address 0x60d26696a483e238b536eda1650b736bbb58b554 (the contract instance used throughout this guide) with the ERC20 token Solidity source code.

metamask load contract

  1. He fills in the input fields for the transferFrom method and submits the transaction

metamask transferfrom values

The transaction is soon confirmed metamask tx confirm

The transaction demonstrated can be found on the Gorli testnet with the transaction hash 0x3acd9d5924748f1d889ea0944230b7f5ed98e43cfc326a38763eeeae339cba52

Etherscan link -

  1. This should generate two events
  • Transfer, corresponding to the actual transfer
  • Approval event indicating the updated allowance after deducting 500 tokens

Remember the webhook listener? Yep, it is still alive. It should have received these two events.

transferfrom event payload

========New event received========
---JSON Payload delivered-----
"txHash": "0x3acd9d5924748f1d889ea0944230b7f5ed98e43cfc326a38763eeeae339cba52",
"logIndex": 0,
"blockNumber": 1083921,
"transactionIndex": 0,
"contract": "0x60d26696a483e238b536eda1650b736bbb58b554",
"event_name": "Transfer",
"event_data": {
"value": 500,
"from": "0x3dc7d43d5f180661970387a4f89c7e715b567512",
"to": "0x902abade63a5cb1b503fe389aea5906d18daaf2b"
"ethvigil_event_id": 28,
"ctime": 1565277121
========New event received========
---JSON Payload delivered-----
"txHash": "0x3acd9d5924748f1d889ea0944230b7f5ed98e43cfc326a38763eeeae339cba52",
"logIndex": 1,
"blockNumber": 1083921,
"transactionIndex": 0,
"contract": "0x60d26696a483e238b536eda1650b736bbb58b554",
"event_name": "Approval",
"event_data": {
"value": 500,
"owner": "0x3dc7d43d5f180661970387a4f89c7e715b567512",
"spender": "0x774246187e1e2205c5920898eede0945016080df"
"ethvigil_event_id": 30,
"ctime": 1565277121